Good Afternoon!
We hope this message finds you healthy and staying safe!
'Tis the season upon us – and we're all very aware of the supply and shipping carrier delays and issues along with the Covid impacts as well.
Please read our 2021 Shipping Message regarding MPDirect Orders:
- The selling period for Alabama Crimson Tide Championship Products (AC8) is now over. All Suntime & Linkswalker ACT Championship Items are now discontinued. Please remove them from your platforms.
- Suntime Ladies' Sport Watches are back in stock
- The Linkswalker Arkansas Tech FLIP2BM is now discontinued
- INH (Indiana Hoosiers) have had image updates across most Linkswalker Products
- Texas A&M has updated images for the Anochrome Watches and a Statement Watch
- N Carolina Wilmington & NW State Demons have updated Snowflake Ornament Images (Linkswalker)
- (TTR) Texas Tech has an updated Statement Watch Image
SKU Lists for All Products for Image Updates, Discontinued, and Back in Stock Can be found in the dropbox below. There are also Updated Database Files reflecting the changes.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at
Thank You! Stay Safe out There!
MPDirect Team
Please use the Dropbox links above to access product databases and images.
PIL “Product Image Library” Updates are image files that are important to keep your web store up-to-date. These image files contain changes that have been made to a team logo or product. To better help you manage these updates we provide a .zip file that allows you to replace images within your site. There are a couple of ways to use these images to make those changes. Here are a couple:
- Download and unzip the Dropbox file and go to each of the products and replace the image.
- Use a program such as Filezilla to upload the downloaded images from Dropbox to the folder within your website which the images are stored. The file names are the same so it will replace the images that are currently hosted. To view these changes you may need to clear your browser cache or regenerate the thumbnails.