Good afternoon!
Licensing Update
After a thorough review of the current licenses that we carry, we have decided to streamline our focus on our most popular teams and products. To that effect, we have chosen not to renew a select list of schools going forward.
Please download and review the file in the dropbox below, and remove any products for these teams that you may have on your selling platforms by 3/31/2023.
In the file, we have provided the list of teams, as well as separate lists for Sun Time (clocks & watches) and Linkswalker (Golf) products by SKUs for each team that will not be carried going forward.
Sales Orders for these teams after 3/31/2023 will not be processed.
New Products are Coming Soon!
Keep your eye out for an update next week, as we will be adding the new Contender and Colors Watches across more teams, as well as adding a new line of Wall Clocks for our top teams that feature art by Gary Patterson!
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at
Your Friends at Suntime-LinksWalker Collegiate Products